Cultum Cosmos

Cultum is a brand of cosmetic products that are, for all, kind to people and the environment.

For some time now I have felt the need to take back control of the project born in 2018, strengthening its values ​​and vision: I have never been interested in having my own line of self-celebratory products, much less a beauty line that "promised spells of beauty".

In Venice, the city where I live, I found inspiration.

I chose an Italian laboratory in which people work who not only use wonderful natural ingredients, but who in Cultum have added two essential ingredients for me: passion and heart, entrusting them with my dream, to create three families of products, not linked to one specific need, but which took care of everyone and aroused olfactory sensations and memories for an inner beauty.

I imagine Cultum as a cosmos, with sensorial routes made of memories and discoveries towards new worlds.

Cultum is me, Cultum is you, Cultum is us who cultivate beauty.

In 2001 I opened my first beauty salon. Curious and increasingly fascinated by this profession, I continued in the world of training as a trainer and consultant on various product research and development projects for an international brand.

In 2017 I opened 360° in the spinning mill, a container of values ​​and beauty beyond hair.

In 2018 I felt the need to create Cultum, a brand that not only took care of people but also aroused emotions and olfactory memories towards new worlds.

Stefano Pedroni | Creative Director & Owner

Are you a hairdresser, are you part of the hotel sector, or would you like to resell our products? Write to us.

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